Volume 35 Issue 2
Jun.  2021
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FENG Haoming, LIN Yaolin, YANG Fang. Research progress on influence of unilateral natural ventilation on environment of urban street canyon[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 2021, 35(2): 137-143.
Citation: FENG Haoming, LIN Yaolin, YANG Fang. Research progress on influence of unilateral natural ventilation on environment of urban street canyon[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 2021, 35(2): 137-143.

Research progress on influence of unilateral natural ventilation on environment of urban street canyon

  • Received Date: 2020-07-20
  • Publish Date: 2021-06-30
  • Natural ventilation widely exists in cities. To understand the current situation and existing problems of indoor environment quality of urban natural ventilation buildings is the basis of improving the indoor environment quality of urban buildings. Firstly, through literature review, the driving factors of unilateral natural ventilation in urban street canyons were studied. Then, the relative researches of unilateral natural ventilation were summaried from the aspects of building geometric characteristics, ventilation capacity, pollution rate, particulate matter concentration and street canyon facilities, and finally some suggestions for future research were puts forward. The results show that reasonable aspect ratio, better urban layout and careful design of street canyon facilities can take usage of unilateral natural ventilation with maximize effeciency and improve the indoor environment quality of urban street canyon.
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